Tuesday, December 26, 2017

doug descombaz Tweeted: They are pesky.

Your Highlights
doug descombaz
They are pesky. twitter.com/HiveTheory/sta…
Ariana Grande
issa throwback !
i love my @Reebok fam
grateful to be a part of the team and excited for what's to come 👟☁️ instagram.com/p/BdLhfC-HWIi/
Skeptical Inquirer
CVS Must Stop Marketing Homeopathic Pseudoscience as Real Medicine in D.C. | Center for Inquiry fb.me/8fKJtw4oU
Randy Gage
Talking Truth...
Scott Wiener
CA population again grew last yr, by over 300K. 2.4M increase since 2010, 20M increase since 1970. We've not built enough housing for this growth & that must change. When Legislature reconvenes next month, I'll pursue aggressive measures to meet this need.
Loren Ridinger
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