Thursday, April 6, 2023

Tansu YEĞEN Tweeted: Mom totally didn't want this help with the dishes.

Tansu YEĞEN's avatar
Mom totally didn't want this help with the dishes.
Tansu YEĞEN's Video
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Kevin Tober's avatar
Kevin Tober
RT @ChrisPlanteShow: NPR is Democrat State-Affiliated Media!

Check out my latest Plante Rant below:
Kevin Tober's Video
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Molly Jong-Fast's avatar
Molly Jong-Fast
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Laurence Tribe's avatar
Laurence Tribe
Because the Supreme Court Justices who really don't belong on the Court obviously won't leave voluntarily or be removed, adding four justices of unquestionable legitimacy seems to be the only rectifying course of action that's both sensible and unquestionably constitutional.…
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Damon Imani's avatar
Damon Imani
1.6M views on TikTok.
+600K views on Instagram.

It's almost like people detect hypocrisy when they see it.…
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Abe Hamadeh's avatar
Abe Hamadeh
In their attempt to further destroy the rule of law, Democrats are going after judges who stand in their way. It won't just be limited to the Supreme Court either.
Abe Hamadeh's Photo
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