Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Tansu YEĞEN Tweeted: Interesting🧐

Tansu YEĞEN's avatar
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Kevin Tober's avatar
Kevin Tober
CNN's Camerota Declares Victory for Fox News in Dominion Settlement…
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Abe Hamadeh's avatar
Abe Hamadeh
"Mathematics is not only real, but it is the only reality." And for Abe Hamadeh, math is becoming a weapon in his ongoing effort to show he, and not Kris Mayes, received the most votes in the race for Attorney General.…
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Molly Jong-Fast's avatar
Molly Jong-Fast
This is why a lot of us feel like Fox won…
Molly Jong-Fast's Photo
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Joyce Alene's avatar
Joyce Alene
RT @DeadlineWH: "The question is, did they just both sides leave each other free to talk about what the settlement means without some sort…
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Asha Rangappa's avatar
Asha Rangappa
My latest on the common thread in the sprawling investigations, pending indictments, and current charges against Trump…
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