Saturday, April 15, 2023

Molly Jong-Fast Tweeted: Is this grooming?

Molly Jong-Fast's avatar
Molly Jong-Fast
Is this grooming?…
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Donald Trump Jr.'s avatar
Donald Trump Jr.
These sick bastards are evil. WTF happened to "reasonable" or "moderate" democrats?

Washington passes bill allowing the state to TAKE CHILDREN AWAY FROM PARENTS that do not consent to their child's gender transition surgeries...
Donald Trump Jr.'s Photo
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Damon Imani's avatar
Damon Imani
Why the h did they air this?
Damon Imani's Video
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Tansu YEĞEN's avatar
RT @TansuYegen: Amazing! Stunts made safe and easy! CinePacks Studios 💥🎥
Tansu YEĞEN's Video
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Kevin Tober's avatar
Kevin Tober
RT @ChrisPlanteShow: That's why they call @marklevinshow "The Great One"
Kevin Tober's Video
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Abe Hamadeh's avatar
Abe Hamadeh
The 1916 Arizona Governor's race took months to resolve through the courts, and ultimately Campbell was thrown out of office and Hunt was sworn in.

Our election challenge is 5x closer than that race

With the remaining 8,000 uncounted ballots we remain confident we will prevail.
Abe Hamadeh's Photo
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