Saturday, April 29, 2023

Kevin Tober Tweeted: WOW! Roy Wood Jr mocks the liberal media! “As s...

Kevin Tober's avatar
Kevin Tober
WOW! Roy Wood Jr mocks the liberal media! "As soon as the Trump document story broke, everybody was down at Mar-a-Lago reporting live...And then we found out Joe Biden had documents, too, and it was like 'it's not a big deal.'"
Kevin Tober's Video
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Tansu YEĞEN's avatar
Chinese woman smashes hospital robot as appointments and examinations are done through it. Few nurses available, frustrating patients…

Tansu YEĞEN's Video
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The Hoarse Whisperer's avatar
The Hoarse Whisperer
RT @Acyn: Biden: The job isn't finished. I mean, it is finished for Tucker Carlson..
The Hoarse Whisperer's Video
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The Lincoln Project's avatar
The Lincoln Project
This is the modern GOP and its propaganda arm, just another cog in Putin's machine.
The Lincoln Project's Video
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Molly Jong-Fast's avatar
Molly Jong-Fast
RT @Acyn: Biden: The job isn't finished. I mean, it is finished for Tucker Carlson..
Molly Jong-Fast's Video
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Damon Imani's avatar
Damon Imani
RT @deboschaaf: @damonimani I think it all comes back to big pharma. When I grew up not a single kid was on any drugs. Now-a-days everyone…
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