Friday, June 2, 2023

Tansu YEĞEN Tweeted: RT @TansuYegen: Impossible survival👏

Tansu YEĞEN's avatar
RT @TansuYegen: Impossible survival👏

Tansu YEĞEN's Video
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Robert Kovacik's avatar
Robert Kovacik
#WeHoPride: Suddenly, @DisneyFrozen sing-a-long with @idinamenzel.
Robert Kovacik's Video
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Kevin Tober's avatar
Kevin Tober
.@BretBaier: "It is, however, to be fair, pretty rich for this president, who did not talk to House Republicans for 97 days, to say that he was the impetus for this debt ceiling deal to be finished. The reason it got done is because House Republicans had the votes..."
Kevin Tober's Video
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Damon Imani's avatar
Damon Imani
Twitter has blocked all tweets about "What's a Woman" from showing up on its event page.…
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Kyle Griffin's avatar
Kyle Griffin
Breaking NYT:

Donald Trump's lawyers have told the Justice Department that they're unable to find that sensitive document on Iran Trump was recorded discussing two years ago.

The material might be at large.…
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Abe Hamadeh's avatar
Abe Hamadeh
RT @AlyssaGoncales: Thank you @AbrahamHamadeh for all you are doing for our great state and the future of this country!
@burge_levv @realer…
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