Sunday, June 11, 2023

Rep. Eric Swalwell Tweeted: Where do I buy the pony?

Rep. Eric Swalwell's avatar
Rep. Eric Swalwell
Where do I buy the pony?
Rep. Eric Swalwell's Video
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Tansu YEĞEN's avatar
RT @TansuYegen: Kitchen is cake😊
Tansu YEĞEN's Video
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Kevin Tober's avatar
Kevin Tober
.@VivekGRamaswamy teaches CNN's Dana Bash how to do her job: "The job of the media is to hold the US government accountable and instead you're doing the bidding of the US government."

Bash laughably responds: "We know how to be good journalists...we do it every single day."
Kevin Tober's Video
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Molly Jong-fast's avatar
Molly Jong-fast
This continues to be the best skeet I've seen
Molly Jong-fast's Photo
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Jennifer Rubin's avatar
Jennifer Rubin
THIS is how it's done. Brava via @Mediaite
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method EVA's avatar
method EVA
What Could Ordinary People Do To Resist A Capitalist System?… #Capitalism #SystemsThinking #Evolution #Meritocracy #Freedom
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