Your Highlights
adventuregirl liked
Danny Deraney
Sending love to all those who need it today. https://t.co/doN4GECEfhh
WHO ARE YOU PROTECTING?? https://t.co/Pc306OCiKOAriana Grande
hours and miles of peaceful protesting yesterday that got little to no coverage. all throughout beverly hills and west hollywood we chanted, people beeped and cheered along. we were passionate, we were loud, we were loving. cover this too please. #BLACKLIVESMATTER https://t.co/vD90CEtF94 https://t.co/GZ6uKDfPM7Rihanna
If intentional MURDER is the fit consequence for "drugs" or "resisting arrest"....then what's the fit consequence for MURDER???! #GeorgeFloyd #AhmaudArbery #BreonnaTaylor https://t.co/iK9SYkaAGbadventuregirl liked
Albert MacGloan ➐
I haven't stopped being bothered by how easily we let this shit go... https://t.co/ri0bxBIXpDPat & Lorna - The Coolest Couple
Every lesson is a widening and deepening of consciousness... https://t.co/sKqEX9cddNWe sent this email to @DigitalTVforPC. Unsubscribe
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